Working on crazy cupcakes that I hope will turn out!
Trying to catch up on laundry - does that ever end?
5 more sleeps until Maui - I am gonna miss the kids, especially Sarah
Tired of crappy weather
Ready for spring
Can't believe that there is only two and a half months of school left
Working on the home reading assignments
Thanking the Lord for answered prayer - WE GET A MOVING PACKAGE _ WOOHOOO!
Enjoying our visit with Chris's parents
Sarah is really walking around now
Jacob is sick again
Nathan still keeps us busy
Watching kids play wii
Celebrated our Anniversary tonight - dinner and a movie while Grandma and Grandpa watched the kids!:)
Spending time on facebook
Thinking about all the plans that need to be set in place
Making sure Nathan doesn't eat the candy I bought to decorate the above cupcakes
Checking in on my Mom
Thinking about the summer
Cooking meals
Cleaning up after three kids
Reading blogs
Going to Niagara Falls tomorrow
Thinking about packing
Trying to find an outfit for the dressy dinner
Wondering if I have what I need for Easter Day
That's about it!
Anyone else feel busy?
Oh ya, thanks for all the advice about the cupcakes. I hope they turn out well enough that I can take a picture and post it. I don't know why I have never tried google images....but that was a great suggestion! I could NOT believe what kind of amazing cupcakes there are out there! WOW!